Ravioles du Dauphine w/Comte 2.2 lb

Product of France
Item SKU: H54005

"Ravioles du Dauphine" is a typical dish from the south of France. The ravioles are filled with a mild and nutty Comté cheese and parsley and can be cooked in a variety of ways: poached in water and served with a drizzle of cream or olive oil, in a gratin, deep fried, as a salad, or as part of a tapas! Ravioles make for a tasty and filling entrée or a side dish to steamed vegetables, fritters, or lobster.
Cooking Ideas:
Poached Ravioles: In a large saucepan, bring 8 cups (2 liters) of water to a boil.
When the water starts to boil, add the ravioles to water and stir gently with a skimmer. Allow to simmer for 2 minutes (do not let boil) and move the ravioles with the skimmer. Ravioles are delicate, don't strain them in a colander. Serve immediately with olive oil or cream.
Gratin Ravioles: Start with the same process as poached ravioles listed above, but let them cook for 1 minute and 30 seconds at medium heat.
Remove the ravioles with a skimmer. The ravioles will be delicate, so do not strain them in a colander. In a gratin dish, combine the ravioles with sour cream or cheddar sauce and add cheddar on top. Bake for 5 minutes under the grill to melt and brown the cheddar.
Allergens: Contains wheat, eggs, and milk.